
By DanielClaypool

Greenburgh Health Center

The clinic is operated on a sliding-scale basis greenburgh health center. This means that you may not be able to access all the services you need depending on your income. To access complete contact information, you may need to sign up for free.

Some services that this facility provides includes the following: Community Outreach, Confidential HIV Counseling & Testing, Dentistry, Immigration Physicals, Internal Medicine, Mammography, Medicaid Certification, Nutrition, Obstetrics/Gynecology/Family Planning, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Phlebotomy, Prenatal Care Assistance Program, Social Services, Transportation, Ultrasound, WOMEN, INFANT & CHILDREN (WIC) PROGRAM, Nursing, COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER (CHW), REACH OUT AND READ PROGRAM, SPECIALTY SERVICES, Cancer Screening Program.

These numbers represent 100% of Federal Poverty Craigslist Memphis Rat. Some clinics offer reduced or free services based on income. If you have a 200% federal poverty threshold, then you only need to double the 100% amount above to reach 200%.

COVID-19 Information For Patients

  • If you meet these criteria, contact your healthcare provider before visiting a hospital or clinic.
  • Fever, shortness of breath, rv travel world cough, fatigue and headaches are all possible symptoms.
  • You may experience muscle or body pains, loss of taste and smell, sore throat or congestion.
  • Within 14 days of the onset of systemic symptoms, contact someone who has confirmed COVID-19

Mild Covid Symptoms

  • Low-grade fever (approx 100 degrees Fahrenheit for adults)
  • Congestion in the nasal
  • Runny nose
  • Dry, mild cough
  • Mild body pains
  • Moderate Covid Symptoms
  • Fever over 100.4 F
  • Consistent cough
  • Temporary shortness in breath when you exert your muscles
  • Need to rest for exhaustion?
  • Severe Covid Symptoms
  • Trouble breathing?
  • Persistent chest pains or pressure
  • Confusion
  • It is difficult to stay awake
  • Blue lips or blue face
  • Health Care Center
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Federal Healthcare & Green burgh Health Center

This federally funded health center and Greenburgh Hospital Center is the one that you will find. The center can cover you even if your insurance is not current. It also covers income-based clients. The center covers services such as treatment, prenatal care, immunizations, child care, prescription medicine, and time travel fanfiction mental and substance abuse. For more information, please contact them at the provided number.

  • Community Health
  • Greenburgh Health Center serves as a Community Health Center.
  • Homeless Health
  • Greenburgh Health Center serves as a Homeless Health Center.